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  • Sunday, 27 August 2017

    Goodies create Temptation, Keep Watchful eyes with CCTV

    Shops & Stores

    Showrooms      Groceries      Boutiques      Emporia      Cafes      Supermarkets      Shopping Malls
    People love to shop, sadly some want to pick things for free.
    We can’t have our eyes on every aisle to stop itchy fingers.
    Our surveillance systems can protect shops from shoplifters.
    Also help security staff to monitor movement, detect unwanted visitors and deter mischief.
    The Video Analytics capability of our CCTV systems can play a critical role in investigation of any criminal incident.
    Talk to us to know more.
    Motion-based alarm
    Any unlawful intrusion during a pre-set time can be detected to trigger an alarm.
    Video analytics
    When a valuable displayed object goes missing the analytic engine can immediately trigger alarm.
    Face recognition
    All visitors can be recorded. Live streaming of videos can be matched with existing database of images to detect habitual offenders and prevent theft. Or detect unauthorised entry into restricted areas. It can also be used to identify the presence of a VIP and alert staff for attention.
    Customer monitoring
    Large retail stores or malls can keep count of customers or track peak hour traffic to better manage staff deployment and plan efficient customer flow.
    Entrance door monitoring
    To monitor and trigger alert when a customer walks in. Helpful for shops with valuable merchandise on display.
    Staff monitoring
    Once employees become aware of being monitored they become cautious and diligent at work. It also helps record and detect any misconduct or harassment within the premise.
    Loitering alarm
    Suspicious loitering around in specified zone for longer than necessary (pre-set time) can trigger an alarm and thus deter such activities.
    Object detection
    Any suspicious looking or unattended object detected can raise an alarm as a precaution.
    Tampering detection
    Supporting video analytics can detect tampering or sabotage of the surveillance system and automatically raise alarm

    About the Author


    Author & Editor

    We are proffesionals with experience of 10+ years in Industry, we can provide our services in states of Andhra pradesh and Telangana

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